Paul Taubman

Paul Taubman

As the Chief Online Strategist of Digital Maestro, Paul B. Taubman, II has his roots deep in the world of technology. Working as a Solutions Architect at Fortune 500 companies for over 25 years, Paul knows how to get systems to talk each other and share data. While maintaining a successful technical career, Paul is also an expert trainer. Traveling across the country, Paul trained countless people how to work on intricate computer systems. He is a Master Trainer teaching Instructors across the country how to teach courses. As a highly respected College Adjunct, Paul teaches technical Computer Programming courses. With all this training experience, Paul has learned how to teach all this “technical stuff” to non-techies! He is a master instructor at taking the obscure and complex and explaining it in a simple, fun, and educational way.

Within the past 5 years, Paul has turned his attention to teaching website development to folks looking to take control of their website. Paul is an international Speaker, Presenter, and Trainer focusing on website strategy and marketing online. Working full time as an online business owner, Paul speaks internationally and teaches businesses and individuals how to make more money with their websites.

Topic: Growing Your WordPress Site Business


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