WordPress and Design Systems

Design systems are codified rules and constraints for design and development to work together to build products and services. We’ll talk about how to build a design system and house them in a WordPress.

Each WordPress Theme comes with its own style guide of pre-made elements that come out of the box, but in my talk, I want to explain how you can use WordPress to how you own design system that is platform agnostic (You could use it for WordPress theme development, Drupal work, Joomla, etc)

Why this talk has merit? Making a design system instead of using an off the shelf one like BootStrap, Zurb or the ones I mentioned above is a good way for any digital business to create consistent experiences across their digital products. It’s very important for developers to be able to create consistent digital products from one source of truth. For Designers, it takes the ambiguity out of the design the process, and for business owners, they know they are getting a consistent product that their customers expect.

With this talk, I hope to help attendees harness the power of unified design elements with coded counterparts to make development time easier, faster, and more consistent.
